It’s extraordinary really
How we all carry on
When our hearts are breaking
Our lives are crumbling
When so much is going wrong
But still we keep on going
Leave our beds, go to work, make small talk
We find pockets of joy
And laugh with the tears
Because life can be both light and dark
You think we’d be quicker to realise
Considering all we’ve been through
That when people are a bit weird or rude
It’s because they’re struggling too
Or maybe they’re just massive dickheads
Doing their usual dickish things
But if we don’t know for sure
We could choose to be kind
Because kindness always wins
Except it doesn’t really though, does it?
It’s not as simple as that
But it’s a good place to start
It feels good to be kind
Because it spreads, it grows, it comes back

When my world shrank
So did my wants
And all the things I’d hoped we’d do
Got crumpled up
And put to one side
Until later
Or never
Who knows
And what was left was smaller
All the little things in between
Ways of saying things
The type of stuff
You can’t book online
Now I just want to pop round
Push the door
Shout hello
Step inside
Hear your voice brighten
See your face light up
Lock eyes as you get up from your chair
“Cup of tea?” you’ll say
Straight away
“Ooh yeah, but I’ll do it, you sit down”
I’ll see the crinkles in your face
Smile and rub your hand
Always soft
Always cold
Just like mine
Then we’ll just sit
And be for a while
Nothing to say or do
Enjoy the same air
On the same bit of earth
Everything better
Because we’re both there