16th October 2018
Dear Cooper and Finn,
We made it to Bar Harbor yesterday. The drive here was lovely – Maine has some very quaint towns. We’ve got to that stage of the holiday where I keep counting how many full days and nights we have left on my fingers, desperate to find some extra time somewhere. We went into Acadia National Park today and did the ship Harbor Walk, where a kind man offered to take our photo. | appreciate it so much when people do that, and I always try and offer too. Afterwards we had a drive up Cadillac Mountain. We could see for miles! But the wind was quite literally taking your breath away so we had to get back in the car. We were going to try and go out for tea as I really wanted a lobster roll, but we thought you might not be up for it. So we got takeaway and enjoyed it once you were asleep instead. Far more sensible. XXX